Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠
Developed by Dolores Cannon throughout her 40 years of client hypnosis practice and research, QHHT® evolved organically as her clients began to spontaneously move into different lifetimes, dimensions, and experiences that challenged her personal belief system around humanity and our relationship to the cosmos, time, and space.
This service typically involves both “past” life (alternate/parallel life) regression and dialogue with your “subconscious” (not the psychotherapy term), also called the higher self or oversoul. Most QHHT sessions are conducted to gain insight, context, and understanding around themes in your life; bring healing to physical, emotional, or spiritual traumas; and help you identify or align with your intended purpose in this lifetime. QHHT is helpful for the following:
Providing answers and resolution around physical imbalances such as disease, illness, injury or chronic conditions.
Understanding your soul-level intentions and purpose in this lifetime.
Exploring specific events or time periods (missing time, blocked memories, etc).
QHHT sessions require a significant time commitment- please plan to book approximately 4 hours for a complete session, from the interview process to the debrief and recovery period. Your session will be recorded so that you may listen to the information as often as you desire in the future.
If you have any questions regarding QHHT, please feel free to message me below and/or check out this helpful description from the official QHHT website.
*In-person only- there is no virtual option for this service.